Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Please be in agreement with me...

I need your help blogger buddies! My friend Steve is not doing well at all. I spoke of him in a previous post. You can read his story on his blog that his wife created HERE.

My heart is breaking for this amazing family. Steve is only 41 and its unimaginable to be faced with the decisions that he and his family have been facing.

For those of you that believe in our amazing Lord, I ask that you take a minute to pray for him for God's healing power to pour over Steve's body. Also pray for peace and strength for his family.

Thank you to those of you who have already prayed with me.


Holly said...

Praying and trusting God.

~Laura~ said...

praying for him and his family!

Anonymous said...

said I pray

Erica said...

Praying for Gods will and believing in His healing power.