We received our aaproval from homeland security so we can move on. Our dossier will be on its way to Washington soon. The agency will look over it one last time and make sure that we are not missing anything. It will be in Washington for 2-3 weeks where they will authenticate it as a whole and seal it and then it will be sent straight to Ethiopia from Washington. At this point we will be officially waiting for a referral of a child. Our agency is averaging 3-5 months for a referral. We are asking for a girl under 12 months. The courts are closed in Aug and Sept so we will not have a court date until after they re-open. Hopefully we will have our girl by the Holidays. Halleluyer!
YAY! We can officially wait together!
~ Lisa
Amber- So glad you got that I-171H form! Woo-hoooo! Our dossier should be headed to WACAP tomorrow!! FINALLY! What agency are you using? I had to laugh at your baby questions post b/c I have no clue and I really don't want to know! Is that terrible? I figure that there are LOTS of people who really WANT babies that I shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to adopt an older child! We found out about a 3 month old baby in Ethiopia who needs a forever family but has a medical issue that might scare some people. Not really us, but for 2 reasons, we are holding off waiting to see what the Lord will show us... and praying that she will find her forever family... not us! I know, I know... it sounds awful, but I like to think that God has just given me a heart for older kids b/c that is in His plan for us this time...? Last time we wanted 2 or under and our son was 21 mos. at adoption. Whew! Enjoy your baby prep my friend.
God delights in giving you the desires of your heart!!
Can't wait to see her in your arms!!
That's fantastic. Another cause for celebration. If we pass court today, my husband and I are going to one of our favorite restaurants here in Cherry Creek called Elways. The boys will celebrate here at home with goodies and a movie in the basement just for them and perhaps we'll let them have a cold root beer from the fridge.
Congrats on your Dossier going to Washington. On to the next step!!
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