rHow to weigh yourself…
I can't believe I was doing it wrong all of these years!

Ok ladies, I'm going to talk about something that is politically incorrect and very sensitive, weight. I don't know what it is but I have been gaining some weight over the past year. I have tried to claim baby weight but Savannah is 12 going on 13 soooo, I don't think that bird is going to fly at this point! Rick and I transferred our jobs from KC to the Dallas area, I took on a very stressful job and we started the adoption process. Maybe that is part of it but I have to admit, when i went to the gym and they said, "mam, we haven't used those memberships cards in years, " I knew I was out of shape. (Ok, I may have exaggerated a little)
I have a feeling that if I don't take control of the situation, by the time the adoption process is through, I will be at a miserable weight. I, like other women have two sets of clothes in my closet. I have my skinny clothes and I have my fat clothes. Well....I'm too fat for my fat clothes!!! ( OK, I need to take a moment to cry and I'll be right back)
Sob, sob, sob............................................................................................................................................
OK, sorry about that, I'm back.
So anywhoo, I don't plan on getting another closet section labeled, FAT, FAT clothes.
Is anyone else experiencing some unusual stress eating?
I need to set a diet and exercise plan into place so that I'm in shape by the time the baby comes home. hmmm....does anyone else need to do the same? So here is the plan, I'm going to come up with a diet and exercise plan this week and starting on Monday of next week, (when I get back from my bro's wedding) I will start. I will blog about my weight loss and habits each week so you all can hold me accountable. I know this is an adoption blog so I won't overdo it with diet stuff but I will have a side "ticker" with my weight loss. If anyone else wants to join in, let me know.
Ok, I'm going to go find a burlap sack to wear to work tomorrow. lol. Good night!