Monday, September 28, 2009

A girl and her shoes...

You may recall me telling you about an awesome pair of shoes A got for her birthday...They are called Mooshu Trainers. She LOVES them! Don't let the picture fool you, they have a surprise about them...

This video is for Jess!


Emily said...

Too cute! I think Yabbi is going to need some of those shoes!

A&W said...

HOW FUNNY!! I need to get the boy version- for my entertainment!!

Holly said...

Sqeaky shoes!! They sell them in China! I had a love/hate relationship with Josiah's sqeakers. I'm sure no explanation is necessary.
Sure makes people stop and stare.
Good grief though...can you imagine if ALL toddlers wore those things? Man!
She is one cute muffin!

Kellyann said...

Yep! Squeeky shoes! Big highlight in China and CHEAP too.
Taylor would not walk at 15 months even though we had a good suspicion she knew how too. Bought her a pair of squeaks and we were right. She loved them. Glad to see Ayana enjoying hers!

Lindsay said...

Those shoes are stinkin' hilarious!!! I laugh so hard every time I hear them that I almost pee in my they come in my size? That's some cheap entertainment for sure. Ugh, I'm browsing my favorite blogs instead of doing my homework! Hope you had a restful day today at home, we missed you at the office.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this video SO much. I am saving it so I can watch it when I need a good laugh. Those shoes were worth every penny. Not only do they look FANTASTIC on her but that squeak is AWESOME! I can't get over how big she is getting, she looks like a little girl already! Thank you for this video, we had such a good laugh.

rachel said...

oh my! indigo was obsessed with her squeaky shoes. she wore them everywhere!

A is soooo cute!

Angela said...

I love this video. Ayana seems like a funny little baby. I imagine she keeps you guys smiling.

Isabelle Boudreau said...

Definitly need to get those cute shoes if we have another girl!! They probably have them for boys too but I love the little high top sneakers!! CUTE!

Erin Sager said...

my dog would go cute!

nancy said...

that is awesome, amber. she is so dang cute! the shoe sounds are cracking me up...

Freda said...

Love the shoes